About Me

Skin Trouble Solutions: Caring For Problem Skin As a young child, I had a lot of skin allergies, eczema, and rashes. It made my childhood difficult. As I got older, those skin problems turned into severe acne and sensitive skin. I spent years learning about how to treat my skin to minimize the effects of these things. There are natural treatments, dietary changes, and even dermatology treatments that can help. I don't want to see others suffer the way that I did with skin problems like these, so I created this site to help teach others about the things that I've learned. I hope that the information here helps you to care for your skin and minimize your rashes and issues.



Do You Have A Skin Infection? 3 Signs To Watch For

Your skin goes through a lot on a daily basis. It's subjected to a lot of different elements day in and day out and touches a lot of surfaces. All of this touching and exposure can lead to skin infections, If you've never had a skin infection before, you may not know what it looks like. A skin infection could go from bad to worse and leave you needing medication, or possibly surgery if you aren't careful. Read on for a few signs that you have a skin infection and what you can do about it.

1. Redness And Warmth

If your skin is infected, you may have warmth and redness. You may also have swelling accompanying these signs. Applying a warm compress to the area may help with swelling and it can help soothe your skin as well. Be sure to use a clean cloth to apply to the area and that you also do not re-use the same cloth over and over again. Re-using the same cloth can cause further irritation or it could cause the skin infection to spread to other parts of your skin.

2. Pus

The area that is infected may also have pus or a pus-filled area that needs to be popped in order to get the pus out. If you don't get the pus out, it may harden, leaving you needing to have it aspirated by a dermatologist or other medical physician. The pus may be white, or it could be yellow or even have a green hint to it. Clean the area thoroughly in order to prevent further irritation and infection. Use soap and water, but allow the area to dry out, as more moisture is going to cause more of an infection.

3. Delayed Healing

Another sign of an infection is that your wound may not be healing properly. If you still have the same wound and it's been quite a while since your skin was injured, it could be due to an underlying infection beneath the surface. You may not be able to see the infection, but the non-healing is a sign of the infection. This infection could be causing a major issue under the surface and you may need medication or surgery because of it. 

If you suspect you have a skin infection, you should get to a dermatology clinic for an exam and for any necessary treatment to get your skin healed and to prevent a major issue.
